The Apple Experiment was a little experiment our teachers gave us in college when I was studying Early Childhood Education. It has always stuck with me as a teacher, to me it was such a simple experiment, but it had a profound impact on me when I was around 18, especially just after graduating out of high school.
The experiment.
1. Take a picture of an apple and look at it. Write down a description of the apple, Tell about what you sense.
Being a blog here I am going to guess that you are going to say that it is flat, colored maybe, basically it looks like an apple. Right?
2. Now, take a model of an apple, like plastic or wood. and look at that apple and write down or just think about a description.
You might say that it feels cold, has weight , smooth, or colored. What are your senses picking up?
3. Now get a real apple and cut it open and take a bite and describe the apple. Write or think of the description.
You might say it tastes sweet, juicy, it is crispy on the tongue. It smells sweet and fruity. It feels smooth on the skin but crunchy in the mouth. you see that it is red on the outside and white on the inside. You can hear it crunching as you bite into it
The experiment was to demonstrate and remind us why it is so very important to teach children about life with hands on learning, not dittos and sit and listen tactics. You learn so much more about the environment around you when you live it. When you can engage ALL of your senses to learn!
It is a simple lesson, thank you for taking it and I hope that it has a simple impact on you too.
Please let me know what you think. You can join me at Raising a Renaissance Man on facebook.
This is great! Thanks!