Monday, March 31, 2014

H.S. Point of View; Schedule, What Schedule?

H.s. Point of View: Schedule,  what schedule?
When you get a more experienced home school parent talking to a newbie,  schedules always come up.  I’m about to wrap up my third year of home schooling,  I homeschool all year long and I am beginning to see a pattern emerge.   I understand, all of our lives revolve around a schedule.   Most of us had gone to school, so we are used to schedules, and many are obsesses with them.  I find when I CAN stick to a schedule, that I personally fell more productive!  Every person and every schedule is different , so I thought that I would share my strange and unique schedule with you in hopes that I can find someone just like me or to let newbies know that some people are quirky or you can be grateful that you can stick to something that others OBVIOUSLY can’t! 

Fall is in the air, time for the public school parents to wrap up their bundles of joy and put them on the bus.  I am always in high spirits too!  Refreshed after spending months outside I am on it, I follow our schedule precisely.  We begin the day with PE, dutifully start first session at 8:30; reading, math and science.  Break.  Dutifully start session 2; math lessons, Language Arts, and more science reading. Break. Session 3; history reading,  math drill, Latin, thinking skills and other.  Everything is done on schedule,  5 days a week!

December!!!  I really lose interests in schedules, when there is so many fun holiday things to do!  Homemade grandparents presents take up a lot of time, cookies, parties, etc.  I tell myself that it’s not a bad thing, think social skills, art, and cooking.  Plus we have the tradition of reciting “T’was the Night Before Christmas”. So we are learning holiday style.  Then 2 weeks off for Christmas……

Jannnnn uuuuuaaaarrrryyyyyy.    It starts out strong, for about 2 weeks, but then the blahs set in ( here is where I should mention I live in the freakin middle of nowhere Alaska- AKA Delta Junction, yes we are a part of the USA and no I cannot see Russia)  So we trudge through homeschooling, but we argue a lot, and I really just want to hibernate.  So what used to be done in 5 days a week starts to be 7 days a week again .

SPRING!!!!!  I can never really give you a date, even Alaska refuses to stick to a schedule!  So we had trudged through the winter pulling ourselves along and NOW it is SPRING!  I personally think it should be considered TEACHER ABUSE to force me to stay inside!  I think that this is why I garden and at this rate my son will have his bachelors in horticulture by the time he is 14! Any excuse to  stay outside!  School continues to be 7 days a week, a mixture of inside and outside learning, things get done mostly in the morning! Or fit whenever we are forced inside!

AHHH the long (again Alaska, almost 24 hours of daylight) days of summer!  Let us just say that if my son gets a bachelors by 14 in horticulture, he will surely have a entomology degree by 15 and a geology degree by 16!  Summer is the time to heavily explore outside and my philosophy becomes that if my son appears bored, refuses to entertain himself or being naughty, we do school work.  It is amazing how well that works!  So schooling becomes 7 days a week, fitting things in along the way.

I would love to know how other people work their school year, someone, somewhere,   has to be as crazy as I am, but life is a journey, not a destination!  And believe it or not, even with my erratic schedule, he is still advanced!  At the end of the day, the truth speaks for itself, LEARNING IS A PASSION!

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